The Sten MK II or Sten gun is a British 9 mm submachine gun that was used extensively by British and Commonwealth forces throughout World War II and the Korean War. They were notable for having a simple design and very low production. STEN is an acronym, from the names of the weapon's chief desig...
Our price: $190.00
1800 Our stunning New non-firing replica of the Tanegashima matchlock rifle brings the spirit of 16th-century Japan into your collection with great detail. First introduced by Portuguese traders in 1543, the Tanegashima was a game-changer on the battlefield, allowing Japanese conscripts to quickl...
Our price: $199.00
Our Webley MK IV Service Model Replica Non Firing Revolver is a very Historic British Revolver. You may recognize it as being used by Harrison Ford in the Indiana Jones Movies, yep this is a Replica of that Gun. The action works just like the original, with working parts and moving action. It is ...
Our price: $99.00